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SGPA to CGPA Calculator

SGPA to CGPA Calculator

Your CGPA will appear here

*Disclaimer: This calculator provides approximate values based on standard conversion formulas. Actual academic calculations may vary depending on institutional policies. Always verify results with official sources.
CGPA to SGPA Calculator

CGPA to SGPA Calculator

Your SGPA will appear here

*Disclaimer: This calculator provides approximate values based on standard conversion formulas. Actual academic calculations may vary depending on institutional policies. Always verify results with official sources.

SGPA To CGPA | Easy Conversion Guide And Calculator


If you are a student in a university that follows the grading system based on SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) and CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average), you might be looking for a simple yet accurate way to convert SGPA to CGPA. Understanding these grading terms is essential for tracking academic performance and applying for higher studies or jobs. This article provides a detailed, explanation and easy-to-understand guide on SGPA to CGPA conversion, its significance, and step-by-step calculation methods.

What is SGPA?

SGPA, or Semester Grade Point Average, is the measure of a student’s academic performance in a particular semester. It is calculated by taking the weighted average of the grade points obtained in all subjects during that semester.

SGPA Formula:

sgpa calculation formula

SGPA=∑(Credit×GradePoints)TotalCreditsSGPA = \frac{\sum (Credit \times Grade Points)}{Total Credits}

Example Calculation:

SGPA Formula:

SGPA=∑(Credit×GradePoints)TotalCreditsSGPA = \frac{\sum (Credit \times Grade Points)}{Total Credits}

Example Calculation:

  • Suppose a student has the following grades and credits in a semester:
    • Subject A: Grade Point = 9, Credits = 3
    • Subject B: Grade Point = 8, Credits = 4
    • Subject C: Grade Point = 7, Credits = 3
  • SGPA = (9×3)+(8×4)+(7×3)3+4+3=27+32+2110=8.0\frac{(9\times3) + (8\times4) + (7\times3)}{3+4+3} = \frac{27+32+21}{10} = 8.0

What is CGPA?

CGPA, or Cumulative Grade Point Average, is the overall academic performance of a student throughout all semesters. It is calculated by taking the weighted average of SGPA scores across multiple semesters.

CGPA Formula:

CGPA=∑(SGPA×SemesterCredits)TotalCreditsofAllSemestersCGPA = \frac{\sum (SGPA \times Semester Credits)}{Total Credits of All Semesters}

Example Calculation:


CGPA Formula:

CGPA=∑(SGPA×SemesterCredits)TotalCreditsofAllSemestersCGPA = \frac{\sum (SGPA \times Semester Credits)}{Total Credits of All Semesters}

Example Calculation:

  • Semester 1 SGPA = 8.2, Total Credits = 20
  • Semester 2 SGPA = 7.8, Total Credits = 22
  • Semester 3 SGPA = 8.5, Total Credits = 18
  • CGPA = (8.2×20)+(7.8×22)+(8.5×18)20+22+18\frac{(8.2 \times 20) + (7.8 \times 22) + (8.5 \times 18)}{20+22+18}
  • CGPA = 164+171.6+15360=488.660=8.14\frac{164 + 171.6 + 153}{60} = \frac{488.6}{60} = 8.14

How to Convert SGPA to CGPA?

To convert SGPA to CGPA, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Collect all SGPA values for completed semesters.
  2. Multiply each SGPA by the respective semester’s total credits.
  3. Sum up all the weighted SGPA values.
  4. Divide the total weighted SGPA by the total credits of all semesters.

Alternatively, if your university follows a direct conversion formula: CGPA=∑SGPANumberofSemestersCGPA = \frac{\sum SGPA}{Number of Semesters}

For example:

  • SGPA of four semesters: 8.1, 7.9, 8.4, 8.2
  • CGPA = 8.1+7.9+8.4+8.24=32.64=8.15\frac{8.1 + 7.9 + 8.4 + 8.2}{4} = \frac{32.6}{4} = 8.15

Importance of SGPA to CGPA Conversion


  1. Higher Education: Most universities require CGPA scores for admission into master’s and PhD programs.

2.  Job Applications: Many employers prefer candidates with a strong academic track record, which is reflected in CGPA.

3.  Scholarship Eligibility: Certain scholarships are based on a student’s CGPA, making it crucial to maintain a high score.

4.  Competitive Exams: Some government and private sector exams have eligibility criteria based on CGPA.

5.  International Admissions: Many global universities use CGPA as a standard metric for evaluating academic performance.

6.  Self-Assessment: Helps students track their performance and make improvements where necessary.

SGPA to CGPA Conversion Chart

SGPA to CGPA Conversion Chart

SGPAEquivalent CGPA

This chart provides an estimated conversion reference based on standard university calculations.

SGPA to CGPA Conversion Calculator

To simplify the conversion process, you can use an SGPA to CGPA Calculator available on This tool eliminates manual calculations and provides accurate results instantly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can SGPA be directly converted to CGPA?

Ans.  Yes, if you sum up all SGPA scores and divide them by the total number of semesters, you get an approximate CGPA.

2. What is the difference between SGPA and CGPA?

Ans.  SGPA is the semester-wise performance, whereas CGPA is the cumulative academic performance over multiple semesters.

3. Is CGPA calculated differently in different universities?

Ans.  Yes, some universities may have slight variations in the CGPA calculation formula.

4. How can I improve my CGPA? Ans.  Focus on improving SGPA in each semester by maintaining consistent academic performance.

5. What is a good CGPA score?

Ans.  A CGPA above 8.0 is generally considered good, while anything above 9.0 is excellent.


SGPA and CGPA are critical measures of academic performance. Understanding their conversion and significance helps students set academic goals and plan their future. Using an SGPA to CGPA Calculator can make the process much easier. Whether you are applying for higher studies, jobs, or scholarships, knowing your CGPA is an essential step.

For an instant and accurate conversion, try the SGPA to CGPA Calculator on now…

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